Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Everybody Loves Raymond

Hello everyone!

Well it has been one week since my first blog post and since then I have pretty much been brainstorming and planning out enough blog posts to last me the next year and a half. I suppose you could say I've got the blogging bug! In this week's post I wanted to tell you guys about something that's important to me and plays a major role in my life... my horse!

My horse's name is Everybody Loves Raymond, also known simply as, Raymond. He is a 13 year old, Morgan/Arabian cross and I absolutely love him to death. Raymond was a complete surprise to me as a gift from my parents when I was 9 (2004), at which point I had already been riding for 5 years. I'm not going to lie; when I first got Raymond he pretty much scared me to death. He was young, spunky, untrained, and generally just kind of crazy... like a naturally hyper child that's enjoyed a bit too much sugar! Despite my fear and lack of knowledge about riding untrained horses, I decided to bite the bullet and begin riding him regularly in my lessons with my coach. I later began taking multiple clinics with world famous equestrians, such as, Gina Smith, Lee Tubman, and Steven Clarke, we competed at the provincial level, finishing third in my province, and went on to compete third level dressage on the national circuit! It wasn't always easy with Raymond, and we often went in to our competitions as the underdog; however that never stopped us from doing our best and having a good time doing it :)

Over the past 10 years Raymond and I have formed a bond that I believe is one of the most important things in my life and I cherish it more than anything. As odd as that may sound, it really is the truth. We have been through so much together and have been working together as a team for so long that we have just become the perfect pair, to the point where the two of us can pretty much predict the other's actions before they even happen! I'm aware that some of you may think I'm completely mad, but I also think some of you may understand exactly what I mean. You might be familiar with the idea of dogs being man's best friend; however in my case it's my horse.

This was a fairly short and sweet post, but nevertheless I hope you enjoyed it! I have attached some of my favourite pictures of myself and Raymond below so you can all see how handsome he is :)

Thank you so much for reading my blog and I hope you continue to follow me to see more of my posts in the future. Not to worry, I will try and make them more interesting than this week!

Until next time,
Emma J :) x

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